Hey guys, my name is Xavier Sapp.  I am a firefighter and DJ and I have been in the Upstate for about 12 years. My favorite hobbies are listening to music, working out, and spending time with my family. I would say I’m more of an extrovert, but not over the top. I can talk to anybody in a room, but I wouldn’t say I draw all the attention. 

My first real concert was a Future concert right when he was beginning to blow up as a major artist. I was in college and thought it was the best experience ever. I started DJ-ing in college back in 2010, so I would say 12 years now. I was promoting a venue and the DJ just didn’t show up one night. The owner asked me to just play some music off of my laptop. There was nothing fancy or technical about it. But I got a good crowd reaction. The next day I bought the cheapest DJ controller I could find on eBay. It’s been a blur since then. I don’t know if I have just one all time favorite song; but I definitely like Hip Hop, R&B, Old School Funk, Pop, and a little Country.